Prosser Chamber of Commerce


The Prosser population was 6,125 in 2018 (OFM) compared to 4,599 in 2000.
Population change since 2000: +24.9%


Males: 2,968 (48.46%)
Females: 3,157 (51.54%)
Median resident age: 34 years
Never married: 29.02%
Now married: 53.8%
Separated: 2.07%
Widowed: 7.45%
Divorced: 9.8%
High school or higher: 82.91%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 23.24%
Graduate or professional degree: 10.42%


There are 6 public schools in Prosser and the student to teacher ratio in Prosser for public schools is 19:1, with a total student count around 3,000 students. The average teacher in the Prosser School District has 13.9 years of teaching experience, and more than 69% have at least a Master’s Degree.


The average annual high temperature is 65°F with the summer highs usually in the mid 90°F range. The average annual low temperature is 39°F with winter lows usually in the mid to low 20°s. .


Income Per Capita: $23,612 (compared to national $28,555)
Median Household Income: $60,761 ( 36.69% of households earning more than the national average)
Unemployment Rate: 6.1% (U.S. Avg. is 5.2%)

Mean travel time to work: 19 minutes
Job growth over the next ten years is predicted to be 39.65% (per Sperlings best places).


The Prosser crime index in 2016 was 150, compared to the national average of 278.1 The Prosser violent crime rate in 2018 was is 18.2, compared to a national average of 31.1.

The property crime rate in Prosser in 2018 was 39.4, compared to the national average of 38.1.

On the 50 safest Cities in Washington list (, 2014) Prosser is number 34.

Chamber Membership

Prosser Chamber of Commerce is an organization with membership open to any business, individual or group sharing the common goal of making Prosser a better place to live, work and play

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